Tonight, “The Vow” was on TV. It is a movie about moments.“Its like your own personal greatest hits of memories…” Moments. Many momentsare beautifully romantic (what can I say, I am hopeless), but there are somemoments that play in our minds that hurt, they are the worst moments, but wecannot forget them. Why is it just as easy to remember the bad moments than itis to remember the good moments? What is that about?
As I sat and watchedthe movie, I began to think about the moments of my life. I thought about somany good moments, and not so good moments, but the moment I was thinking aboutthe most was now. Every year about this time, I become nostalgic. I blame it onmy birthday. Each year, I look back on where I have been, and I look forward towhere I think I will be next year. The thing is though that I am so concernedwith looking back and looking forward that I completely miss where I am at thatmoment.
At this moment, I am waiting. What am I waiting for? Well, Iam not quite sure. I thought I knew, but what I thought I was waiting on,wasn’t it. I am a planner, it seems I have always been that way, and for aslong as I can remember I knew what I wanted, and where I wanted to be. It seemsthough that God had different plans. Nothing is what I thought it would be,absolutely nothing. Which to be quite honest, no matter how hard it was and isat different times. I am so very thankful that I am where I am, and who I am, andwith the people I am with. I wouldn’t trade the life that I have experienced.
Over the last few weeks of remembering this past year, andlooking forward to the year ahead, I think God is telling me that its ok to nothave a plan, and that God will take care of it. I believe God is saying, livein the now. Stop worrying about what will happen or what has happened andexperience today. Take that moment andwalk to work because it’s a beautiful day outside. Seize the day and eat thatdelicious Krispy Kreme Doughnut while it’s HOT. Laugh with those around you,and don’t worry about whether they will be around next year. Cry at every sappymovie, because you FEEL it, it doesn’t matter that your friends laugh at you.Breathe in and breathe out. Experience today. Because in the end, you onlyregret not living. So today, I am going to experience the moments and take inall that I can, because I know there will be a day when it will all change.What it will look like, I have no idea, but it will change. Change isinevitable, seize the moment, and allow God to write a story that I, or maybe even you, never knewwas possible.